by Rachel Ndangi
"Hold on to instruction; don’t let go. Guard it, for it is your life."
(Proverbs 4:13 HCSB)
What does it mean to guard or to keep something? To guard the Word is to protect the Word; to keep it original and undiluted. Hold fast onto the Word that you have received!
It is very important for every child of God to know Jesus for yourself. Therefore, KNOW YOUR GOD FOR YOURSELF! Yes it is possible to know God for yourself. To this the Lord motions us in the book of Jeremiah 29:13,
"And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."(emphasis mine)
"God is no respecter of man" - a very popular saying! Do you know what it means? It means simply this, that He rewards all man accordingly. Hebrews says "He is a reward of them that diligently seek Him." (Heb. 11:6) Whoever will set his mind and his heart to seek the Lord Jesus he shall find the Lord and he will be rewarded accordingly.
To the children of Israel He said,
"I haven't spoken privately or in some dark corner of the world. I didn't say to Jacob's descendants, "Search for me in vain!" I, the LORD, speak what is fair and say what is right."(Isaiah 45:19 GW)
Seeking God is never in vain. Time spent in prayers and in knowing Him is never in vain. I know some of you will read this and say "But Rachel I have been born again for 22 years, and I pray at least three hours every day. I have fasted. Never missed church, and I have been faithful in reading my Bible daily, but I don't see anything." Seeking God is an attitude of the heart, not a set of religious activities and impressions that do not, at all, reflect the condition of your heart. I deliberately underlined “with all your heart” in order to get your attention, just in case you missed it before. You can fool men but you can't fool God. It is the heart that He looks at first before the multitude of your words and acts. As Max Lucado once said, "The heart of the issue is the issue of the heart."
Building a relationship with the Lord Jesus and getting to know Him is no rocket science. It is as normal as building any other human relationship, in the sense that there is time invested in building this relationship. You will know this if you have friends. The people that are closest to you are the people that you spend most of your time with. And not only time spent, but how you spend that time with them is important as well. The quality of the time spent together matters.
If you go to church and all you do is just sit there, and in your private life at home you do not make any attempt to draw closer to Jesus, you will not know Him. It is possible that you have been going to church for the past 20 years and still you do not know Him. In another case, you may have been reading your Bible simply because you have to. Added to that you may have even read your Holy Bible ten times over, but still that doesn't guarantee your knowing Him. If you love singing beautiful worship songs because they are beautiful and they cause all kinds of emotions in your body, and you may have even sung a thousand of those beautiful worship songs, it could still remain that you don't know Him. Singing a thousand beautiful worship songs doesn't guarantee your knowing the Saviour, Jesus.
What then gives me the guarantee of knowing Jesus? That we shall discuss in our next devotional.
It is very important for every child of God to know Jesus for yourself. Therefore, KNOW YOUR GOD FOR YOURSELF! Yes it is possible to know God for yourself. To this the Lord motions us in the book of Jeremiah 29:13,
"And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."(emphasis mine)
"God is no respecter of man" - a very popular saying! Do you know what it means? It means simply this, that He rewards all man accordingly. Hebrews says "He is a reward of them that diligently seek Him." (Heb. 11:6) Whoever will set his mind and his heart to seek the Lord Jesus he shall find the Lord and he will be rewarded accordingly.
To the children of Israel He said,
"I haven't spoken privately or in some dark corner of the world. I didn't say to Jacob's descendants, "Search for me in vain!" I, the LORD, speak what is fair and say what is right."(Isaiah 45:19 GW)
Seeking God is never in vain. Time spent in prayers and in knowing Him is never in vain. I know some of you will read this and say "But Rachel I have been born again for 22 years, and I pray at least three hours every day. I have fasted. Never missed church, and I have been faithful in reading my Bible daily, but I don't see anything." Seeking God is an attitude of the heart, not a set of religious activities and impressions that do not, at all, reflect the condition of your heart. I deliberately underlined “with all your heart” in order to get your attention, just in case you missed it before. You can fool men but you can't fool God. It is the heart that He looks at first before the multitude of your words and acts. As Max Lucado once said, "The heart of the issue is the issue of the heart."
Building a relationship with the Lord Jesus and getting to know Him is no rocket science. It is as normal as building any other human relationship, in the sense that there is time invested in building this relationship. You will know this if you have friends. The people that are closest to you are the people that you spend most of your time with. And not only time spent, but how you spend that time with them is important as well. The quality of the time spent together matters.
If you go to church and all you do is just sit there, and in your private life at home you do not make any attempt to draw closer to Jesus, you will not know Him. It is possible that you have been going to church for the past 20 years and still you do not know Him. In another case, you may have been reading your Bible simply because you have to. Added to that you may have even read your Holy Bible ten times over, but still that doesn't guarantee your knowing Him. If you love singing beautiful worship songs because they are beautiful and they cause all kinds of emotions in your body, and you may have even sung a thousand of those beautiful worship songs, it could still remain that you don't know Him. Singing a thousand beautiful worship songs doesn't guarantee your knowing the Saviour, Jesus.
What then gives me the guarantee of knowing Jesus? That we shall discuss in our next devotional.
Further Scripture Reading:
"However, he gave the right to become God’s children to everyone who believed in Him."
(John 1:12 GW)
"No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, Who is Himself God, is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us."
(John 1:18 NLT)
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Grace Words Devotion seeks to prepare the nations for the Coming of the Messiah by means of the infallible Word of God, pointing the sinner to Christ and the Christian to grow passionately in the accurate knowledge of the Holiness, Love, Righteousness, Justice, Grace and Mercy of the Lord God Jehovah and of His Son Jesus Christ, through the working of the Holy Spirit!
Grace Words Devotion seeks to prepare the nations for the Coming of the Messiah by means of the infallible Word of God, pointing the sinner to Christ and the Christian to grow passionately in the accurate knowledge of the Holiness, Love, Righteousness, Justice, Grace and Mercy of the Lord God Jehovah and of His Son Jesus Christ, through the working of the Holy Spirit!
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