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Stunning Prophecy That Foretold The Visitation Of The GODHEAD

"Looking back at how this unusual prophecy rolled out, today’s church is left with no choice but to marvel at the spectacular heavenly companionship that the LORD unveiled to her on that December 31st fulfilment."
- Prophet Dr. David Owuor
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The November 21st, 2012,
Stunning Prophecy That Foretold The Visitation Of The GODHEAD

by Prophet Dr. David Owuor

IT MUST BE SAID that the momentous build up to that definitive December 31st, 2012 fearful visitation of the CLOUD OF GOD, did not come without a major prophecy pronouncement of its kind. That astounding prophecy of this historic GLORY OF JEHOVAH, has today become an exhaustless theme whose discourse and awe has panned the ends of the earth.
It constitutes the unveiling of the depths of heavenly insight, in both the wisdom and knowledge of GOD presented to humanity. Looking back at how this unusual prophecy rolled out, today’s church is left with no choice but to marvel at the spectacular heavenly companionship that the LORD unveiled to her on that December 31st fulfilment.
It gets even much more puzzling to note that this towering Majesty of JEHOVAH was prophesied way back, more than a month in advance, and indeed came to pass with a stunning accuracy. Right from its emergence on that December 31st, human pride, prosperity, and post-modernism, all stand seriously rebuked in the Presence of this awesome Pillar of GOD'S Cloud.
By all Biblical standards, this prophecy of the CLOUD OF GOD and its fulfilment kick-starts the beginning of a stern prophetic season that has now began to roll out in the zero countdown to the coming of the Messiah. All can now clearly see that this unveils a dispensation of zero-tolerance to the rampant apostasy that has reigned its course in the present-day church!
In the event that today's pastors will fail to adhere to the message embodied within this visitation of the CLOUD OF GOD, the LORD may not stand a continued spell of spiritual setbacks, owing to how fast time is diminishing towards that oncoming fateful day of rapture. In the days of old, the appearance of this particular CLOUD OF GOD in the midst of HIS people, is what right away underlined a spiritual red-line beyond which GOD ALMIGHTY often acted in the most dreadful form ever witnessed. In the circumstance that the Shepherds fail to heed such a monumental visitation of the CLOUD OF GOD, JEHOVAH has often opted to shepherding HIS people by HIMSELF.
This HE has done in the past by raising forth servants who are completely faithful to HIS Voice. And since the same CLOUD OF HIS GLORY has now made a prominent appearance into today's church scene, it can only signify then, that in the event of a continued lawlessness as has been the trend  in the church, JEHOVAH HIMSELF may be compelled to shepherd HIS sheep by HIMSELF towards HIS Kingdom in heaven. Such an overthrow by the LORD was once witnessed during the time of Eli the Priest. This stern warning by the LORD is further reinforced by the proximity within which we have drawn closer to the rapture of the church. It, as a result, places a heavy burden on the present-day church to well understand the significance of this CLOUD OF GOD that visited the Mighty Kisumu Revival Meeting in broad daylight.
To drive the point home, the Holy Spirit even allowed the congregation at that Mega Kisumu Revival Meeting to capture the CLOUD OF GOD on cameras and post on the web.
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"By all Biblical standards, this prophecy of the CLOUD OF GOD and its fulfilment kick-starts the beginning of a stern prophetic season."
"By all Biblical standards, this prophecy of the CLOUD OF GOD and its fulfilment kick-starts the beginning of a stern prophetic season."
"All can now clearly see that this unveils a dispensation of zero-tolerance to the rampant apostasy that has reigned its course in the present-day church!"
"All can now clearly see that this unveils a dispensation of zero-tolerance to the rampant apostasy that has reigned its course in the present-day church!"
"In the days of old, the appearance of this particular CLOUD OF GOD in the midst of HIS people, is what right away underlined a spiritual red-line beyond which GOD ALMIGHTY often acted in the most dreadful form ever witnessed."
"In the days of old, the appearance of this particular CLOUD OF GOD in the midst of HIS people, is what right away underlined a spiritual red-line beyond which GOD ALMIGHTY often acted in the most dreadful form ever witnessed."
International Conference of Pastors, Nakuru, Kenya, August 2014
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