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Identity & Mission

by Prophet Dr. David Owuor

IT IS HENCE imperative to state here that every time the GLORY OF THE LORD descended from HIS THRONE in heaven upon Israel, that GLORY often displayed a historic visitation. For instance, when the LORD GOD visited HIS Servant Moses in the wilderness, the GLORY OF JEHOVAH manifested in the form of this very thick Cloud of GOD. We are reminded here of Moses being visited by the GODHEAD in HIS GLORY, though in a different form at the inception of his mighty ministry.

GOD'S GLORY that embodied that inaugural visitation manifested the PERSONA OF THE GODHEAD as a BURNING BUSH. No wonder when the time came for HIM to introduce HIMSELF to Moses, HE said, "I AM WHO I AM."

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you (Ex 3:14).
It is JEHOVAH GOD THE FATHER AND THE CONSUMING FIRE HIMSELF that beheld that wilderness visitation upon Moses.

Furthermore, we also see that when Saul of Tarsus was busy persecuting Christians, the LORD Jesus confronted him through THE GLORY. At that time, while Saul was en route to Damascus, the GLORY OF THE LORD Jesus descended upon him as a white column of glorious Light that came from heaven and struck him down. Be it as it may, we see that when the GLORY OF THE MESSIAH struck Saul, THE LORD Jesus presented as a white pillar of glorious Light that struck him down. It was while in that state of near-coma and trauma, that Saul spontaneously exclaimed, "Who are you, my LORD?".
From the aforegoing, we now see that regardless of whichever form GOD'S GLORY takes on, CLOUD OR FIRE; whenever that GLORY OF THE GODHEAD descends from HIS THRONEROOM, HE always comes to achieve a definitive purpose for HIS glorious Kingdom in heaven. Nonetheless, there will always be a basic common threshold that must be achieved for every visitation of GOD's GLORY. And that common benchmark is that the GLORY OF THE LORD always invariably comes to transform the identity and life's mission of the recipient from a more earthly countenance to a heavenly focus. From a more worldly countenance to a holy living.
From this, it is vividly apparent that upon encountering GOD in HIS MIGHTY GLORY, the identity of Moses underwent a significant shift from one who was merely wandering around and focusing all his life on Jethro's earthly wealth (sheep); to a Mighty Shepherd of JEHOVAH's sheep (Israel) who was heavenly focused. Notwithstanding, that monumental visitation of GOD's GLORY also translated Moses from a mere earthly survivor into the mighty MAN OF GOD he became.

Things were not any different with Saul of Tarsus, when the GLORY of Christ Jesus encountered him and transformed him from a mere brute going by the name Saul of Tarsus, to Paul the Mighty Apostle of GOD whose exploits involved the writing of nearly two thirds of the New Testament. 
GOD's visitation through the GLORY of Christ Jesus is what transformed Saul from an immoral worldly enemy of GOD, to Paul the blessed Apostle of GOD to the Gentiles. 

Therefore, taking Moses as a casework of this encounter, we see that the power of the anointing that the Cloud of GOD brings, is what enables not only the transformation of the recipients, but also their capacitation to underscore serious gains for the Kingdom. To the extent that Moses was occupied with other errands, and upon encountering the GODHEAD IN HIS GLORY did such tremendous exploits come out of his life; then it can be well said that the GLORY OF GOD brings the life and power of GOD to the said recipients.
Therefore, it goes without saying that whosoever is appointed to become the recipient of GOD'S GLORY of this day, must always first be transformed into a new being, with a completely heavenly focus, their former status notwithstanding. And that can only imply that regardless of the level of decay, insubordination, apostasy, and fall, the present-day church may have gone through, the GLORY OF THE GODHEAD that visited in Kisumu has come to transform them into a new identity of holiness.
By this, the LORD is saying that whenever HE visits in the GLORY OF HIS CLOUD, HE can literally transform anybody however rebellious, defiant, disobedient or obstinate they may be, into a noble vessel that accomplishes the novel agenda of the glorious Kingdom of GOD. If there was any message to the present-day defiant church and the purposes of the current visitation of the CLOUD, then this is it.
For Moses, in reality he now became a totally different person from the desperate personality he was before that divine encounter. And that is why even today as the same GLORY OF THE GODHEAD visits the church of Christ, its intent is a total transformation of her identity, from a worldly immoral congregation that she is, to a heavenly royal bride that wields decorum and inherits the wedding feast of the LAMB.
The anchor of this change of life's mission is indeed pegged on the radical transformation of identity that the life and power of GOD imparts from the GLORY OF THE GODHEAD.

Just as did the mighty GLORY OF THE GODHEAD purge Moses and purified him as a glorious vessel that could not only stand right before GOD, but also execute GOD'S heavenly agenda on the earth; so has the GLORY OF THE GODHEAD visited the church at this Kisumu Meeting to purge off her immorality, gospel of prosperity, falsehood, false prophets, false apostles, post-modernism, homosexuality, that she may not only be found fit to stand before GOD, but also be the agency that implements GOD's heavenly agenda for the coming of the Messiah in this dark earth. ■
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The GLORY OF GOD visits the church of Christ to totally transform her identity, from a worldly immoral congregation that she is, to a heavenly royal bride .
The GLORY OF GOD visits the church of Christ to totally transform her identity, from a worldly immoral congregation that she is, to a heavenly royal bride .
Regardless of whichever form GOD'S GLORY takes on, CLOUD OR FIRE; whenever that GLORY OF THE GODHEAD descends from HIS THRONEROOM, HE always comes to achieve a definitive purpose for HIS glorious Kingdom in heaven.
Regardless of whichever form GOD'S GLORY takes on, CLOUD OR FIRE; whenever that GLORY OF THE GODHEAD descends from HIS THRONEROOM, HE always comes to achieve a definitive purpose for HIS glorious Kingdom in heaven.
The GLORY OF THE GODHEAD visits the church of Christ to totally transform her identity, from a worldly immoral congregation that she is, to a heavenly royal bride that wields decorum and inherits the wedding feast of the LAMB.
The GLORY OF THE GODHEAD visits the church of Christ to totally transform her identity, from a worldly immoral congregation that she is, to a heavenly royal bride that wields decorum and inherits the wedding feast of the LAMB.
International Conference of Pastors, Nakuru, Kenya, August 2014
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