It was in the midst of the night of November 21st, 2012 when GOD ALMIGHTY Spoke with me in a mighty vision, about a major occurrence that was about to take place on the earth.
Considering the magnitude of that conversation, I was immediately awakened to its urgency. And owing to the seriousness of this conversation, I for a moment staggered upon waking up as I contemplated what this may mean towards the coming of the Messiah. Crucial among the things that stood out to me, was the challenge that had all of a sudden presented before me, as I needed to awaken the entire globe to the fact that a monumental visitation of historic proportion was about to transpire.
Owing to the weight of this conversation, I knew it too well that in my announcement to the nations, I would have to ensure that the connection between this once in a lifetime visitation, and the coming of the Messiah, is well laid before humanity. Such was the responsibility of this task. In addition, I became well aware that relaying such an enormous prophecy that has not happened since the time of Moses, would constitute a challenge of sorts, especially considering the time we are in. This became especially sensitive because today's generation is largely post-modern and has since lost belief in the deeper matters of GOD.
However, when the opportune moment finally presented for this prophecy to be relayed, I went live on Jesus is LORD radio (, and spoke about this very amazing visitation concerning what was about to befall the face of the earth. In the first segment of that prophecy, I principally dwelt on the biblical significance of this magnitude.
With great assertion, I severally reemphasized the time frame of this visitation that would act as the gamechanger in the House of the LORD.
In that proclamation then, I nonetheless had to come out very clearly and classify this upcoming visitation of the CLOUD OF GOD, as one that had not been unveiled to humanity in a very long time. I further went on to describe that the fulfilment of this titanic prophecy of the CLOUD OF GOD would begin with the stunning opening of heaven over the Kisumu revival meeting that was then upcoming.
And to bring the point home, I enlightened the global listenership of Jesus is LORD radio (, that upon that miraculous opening of heaven, the magnificent CLOUD OF GOD would come out of the gates of heaven, and breech its boundary into the sky.
I further went [on] to [say] that the CLOUD OF GOD would go on to descend straight from the chambers of heaven right into the December 31st, 2012 Mega Kisumu Revival Meeting. In this way, this prophecy in itself had a purifying impact upon the deceptive church of this modern age. This is because I was able to pin point with stunning accuracy, not only WHEN that CLOUD OF GOD would come, but also which exact location it would visit.
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