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Showing posts from August, 2015


"And the majority have remained under the dust of the earth." -  The LORD View this email in your browser THE DREAM OF THE FEARFUL VOICE THAT SPOKE FROM THE CLOUD  by Julius King Kwedhi 24  August  2015,  Monday.  In my dream today, I, Julius Kwedhi, saw a messenger of Heaven preparing the Way of the LORD in many nations. He was preparing the Highway of the LORD with his feet, coming from Heaven down. And when the Highway of the LORD was complete, I then saw Christians dancing to music, and I understood they were dancing to secular music. It was so shocking because the music that was playing in my dream sounded like it was playing right here in my room, when in the natural there was no music playing. So the music continued playing when I found myself in a bedroom, sleeping on a bed that was close to a window. It was while I was in that bedroom when all of the sudden I heard the Fearful Voice, in a distance. The Fearful Vo...

Hidden Details

" In that vision, the LORD took me into the Kisumu Revival Meeting in advance... I realized that the CLOUD OF GOD that had descended from heaven was in the form of a thick WAVE of the Revered Presence of GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF. " -  Prophet Dr. David Owuor View this email in your browser Hidden Details by Prophet Dr. David Owuor Most importantly, I  divulged  that when THE CLOUD OF GOD visits, HIS Presence would come in  several waves like a sweeping FUNNEL OF TORNADO. However, what I did not reveal was the manner in which THE LORD had Spoken with me in the finer details. In that vision, the LORD took me into the Kisumu Revival Meeting in advance. On that November 21, 2012, I had already seen what would transpire in the December 31, 2012 visitation. In the vision, as the LORD took me into the stadium of the meeting, I saw myself standing at the altar, and then all of a sudden  heaven opened  right above me, and I saw...

Prophecy That Called THE GODHEAD Down From HIS Heavenly Throne

" I was able to pin point with stunning accuracy, not only WHEN that CLOUD OF GOD would come, but also which exact location it would visit. " -  Prophet Dr. David Owuor View this email in your browser The Prophecy That Called The GODHEAD From HIS Heavenly Throne by Prophet Dr. David Owuor It was in the midst of the night of November 21st, 2012 when GOD ALMIGHTY Spoke with me in a mighty vision, about a major occurrence that was about to take place on the earth.   Considering the magnitude of that conversation, I was immediately awakened to its urgency. And owing to the seriousness of this conversation, I for a moment staggered upon waking up as I contemplated what this may mean towards the coming of the Messiah. Crucial among the things that stood out to me, was the challenge that had all of a sudden presented before me, as I needed to awaken t...

Stunning Prophecy That Foretold The Visitation Of The GODHEAD

" Looking back at how this unusual prophecy rolled out, today’s church is left with no choice but to marvel at the spectacular heavenly companionship that the LORD unveiled to her on that December 31st fulfilment. " -  Prophet Dr. David Owuor View this email in your browser The November 21st, 2012, Stunning Prophecy That Foretold The Visitation Of The GODHEAD by Prophet Dr. David Owuor IT MUST BE SAID that the momentous build up to that definitive December 31st, 2012 fearful visitation of the CLOUD OF GOD, did not come without a major prophecy pronouncement of its kind. That astounding prophecy of this historic GLORY OF JEHOVAH, has today become an exhaustless theme whose discourse and awe has panned the ends of the earth.   It constitutes the unveiling of the depths of heavenly insight, in both the wisdom and knowledge of GOD presented to humanity. Looki...