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A Severe Distress Of Disease Coming To India!

Prophet Dr. David Owuor

Amen. The LORD has spoken with me again right now. He took me to India. I see; The LORD took me into a hospital in India. There is a very big distress there. I see a lot of people swarming into the hospital. I see the lack of equipment, there’s no equipment, the doctors are running up and down and many people flooding into the hospital.  Just a few minutes ago, after I finished speaking with you blessed people, and then The LORD took me to India. And I see a lot of people rushing into the hospital being rushed, there's a procedure being done on somebody and then there is testing. So somebody told me; He makes one of the doctors there to speak to me and he said, “We don’t have equipment; what we do, we take this, and take a little, and put and culture to see.” So there’s going to be a big distress that is going to come into Asia.

            A BIG DISEASE, distress of disease is coming. I don’t know what exact disease it is. So there will be a disease emergency in Asia. And The Bible speaks about the distress of this hour. When one goes and looks into the book of Daniel, chapter 12, beginning with verses 1 to 3 as He talks about the chronology of events that will happen to this planet earth and He talks about the great distress that will consume this earth prior to the coming of The MESSIAH; the distress that will consume.  The distress and he says that that distress will be like none other.

            In other words, he says, a distress that has not been seen since the beginning of nations until then.  So there will be tremendous distress at this hour as The BIBLE has promised. And beyond that, Daniel 12, the same verse 15 says,  “However, those whose names will be found written in the Book of Life will be delivered.”

            So that gives a great hope to those who have received JESUS, to those who are born again, Pentecostal; I’m talking about people that are born again, have received JESUS and walking in righteousness and in holiness and people that have accepted this GOSPEL of Repentance and repented from sin and began to live repentant lives; I’m not talking about any other people from other churches who have not accepted repentance, who are still wallowing in the mud of sin. I’m talking about the people that have chosen the Way of Righteousness, the Highway of Holiness you see in Isaiah 35:8-9.

            So when this kind of distress, like GOD has shown me just a few minutes ago when HE took me to India will develop, and this earth, will throb on this planet earth. Then at that time, The LORD says,  "However, those whose names will be found written in the BOOK," that is The LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE, "will be delivered.” And that is greater impetus and encouragement to everybody else, non born again, different religions to begin receiving JESUS now that their names may be written in The LAMB’S BOOK of LIFE. Those matters of religions, they don’t matter anymore at this hour. Everybody will do anything and everything possible to now save their lives.

                And when you move on to Daniel 12, verse 2, then you see the rapture of the Church when He talks about those who are wise and those who lead many into righteousness and they shall be resurrected for the inheritance of the Glorious KINGDOM of GOD.  And so, may those who have ears indeed prepare for the Coming of CHRIST JESUS, my LORD, my SAVIOR, and The BLESSED ONE of ISRAEL.

Repentance & Holiness

Prepare the Way The MESSIAH is Coming
Revelation 16:15


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