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Showing posts from May, 2016

If The LORD is GOD then, Please, Serve Him!

by Julius King Kwedhi While certain so-called "Christian nations" have turned the tables, successfully urgued "God" out of their schools, meetings, etc., and now proudly declaring themselves "secular nation", so-called "Christian artists" have also bought into this liberal ideology, now preferring rather to be known as "hip-hop artists who 'happened' to be Christians." They just happened to be. Its not their initial intention to be "Christians", they just happened to be Christians. Their main goal is "hip-hop" not Christianity. And in the likeness of manner, these have successfully argued "Jesus" out of their songs, and are advocating for others to do so. According to their "Biblical worldview" there is no separation between the holy and the profane. Instead of being known as "Christian music artists", they want to be known and remembered as "social anthropologists...