by Prophet Dr. David Owuor FINALLY, IF THERE IS any one thing that the church can lay her hands on and say what this is it that says it all about the GODHEAD, then it is the eternal holiness of our FATHER. The Holy nature of the GODHEAD is as eternal as HE is. And that can only imply that from the eternity of the eternities to the eternity of the eternities, only the holiness of GOD never changes. It is this very yardstick of holiness that HE has perpetually advanced towards the church, to the extent that without holiness nobody will ever be able to see GOD. 14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the LORD (Heb 12:14). Outside the realm of holiness, the church has no future with the LORD because HE IS HOLY (Lev 20:26). Many times when the LORD chooses to relate closely with HIS chosen people as the church, that relationship is often governed by a living covenant....
Preparing the nations for the coming of the Son of God to rapture His own, GRACE WORDS blog seeks to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of the grace, mercy, glory, justice, love, truth and Sovereignty of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus, to stir up a deep-seated heart passion for Him alone, in the hearts of uncompromising Christian Youth and the entire Church at large. Jesus is King, He reigns forever more and HE IS COMING BACK. Glory to our LORD and GOD, Jesus Christ!